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Privacy Policy for TextFlow

Welcome to TextFlow!

Last Updated: February 16, 2024

We are committed to protecting your privacy and handling your data in an open and transparent manner. This privacy policy outlines how TextFlow (referred to as "we", "us", or "our") handles the personal information of our users ("you" or "your") in connection with the use of our iOS keyboard extension integrated with artificial intelligence, specifically utilizing the OpenAI API.

Information We Collect

User Queries: When you use TextFlow, you may input text queries that are processed by our service. These queries are directly sent to OpenAI for processing. We do not create user accounts, nor do we collect or store any personal data in our database.

Analytics Information: We collect anonymous analytics data on how you use the TextFlow keyboard extension. This may include information about which buttons you tap, features you use, and general usage patterns. This data is collected to improve the functionality and user experience of our service. It does not include any personally identifiable information.

How We Use Your Information

To Provide and Improve Services: We use the information you input and the analytics data collected to provide you with the requested services and to improve the functionality and user experience of our keyboard extension.

Analytics and Development: The anonymous analytics data we collect helps us understand how our users interact with TextFlow, which in turn allows us to make informed decisions about new features and optimizations to enhance our service.

Data Sharing and Disclosure

Service Providers: Your queries are shared with OpenAI for the sole purpose of processing and returning the relevant response to you. We may also share anonymous analytics data with service providers for the purpose of analytics and service improvement. We do not share your information with any other third parties, nor do we sell your personal data.

Legal Requirements: We may disclose your information if required to do so by law or in response to valid requests by public authorities (e.g., a court or a government agency).

Data Security

We are committed to ensuring the security of your data. We implement reasonable measures to protect the information we collect, including your queries and anonymous analytics data, against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

Your Rights

While the analytics data we collect is anonymous and does not allow us to identify individual users, we are committed to respecting your privacy. If you have any concerns about how your data is handled, please contact us.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update this privacy policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new privacy policy on this page. You are advised to review this privacy policy periodically for any changes.